Peteris Lidaka
Un Sedicesimo 32
In issue 32 of Un Sedicesimo, Peteris Lidaka plays with aeroplanes, transforming traditional form and function. These colourful planes are fantastical aircraft, from a bizarre design, creations that could have equally come from the world around us as from an imaginary place. Peteris’s planes are living organisms, which sometimes mingle with each other and take the form of flying cat-machines!
Peteris Lidaka is an artist who works in a wide range of disciplines as illustration, sculpture, animation, graphic design and photography. He lives and works in Riga. During his studies at the London Central St Martins Peteris developed a love for the abstract, expressive drawing, as well as for the model making. He obtained an MA in Communication Design in 2010, and is now working as an illustrator as well as proceeding to do advertising as Art Director&Creative Director. Peteris has won different international awards in the field of the illustration and advertising. Peteris mainly invents and draws the expressive imaginary characters, which later also become the sculptural objects in the animations and advertisements. In recent years Peteris has also exhibited his artwork in solo and group exhibitions.
ISSN: 1972-2842 #
Edited by: Pietro Corraini
Binding: staples
Pages: 16
Width: 17.0
Height: 24.0
Edition: 2013