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Miguel Nóbrega

Un Sedicesimo 39

Possible Structures


Possible Structures is a project conceived by Miguel Nóbrega and the results have beeen published in this issue of Un Sedicesimo. A series of drawings generated by code and printed with felt tip pens in plotter machines. Inspired by utopian architecture’s absurdities, each drawing is a unique composition, in brilliant colours, of an unrealizable architectural structure.

Miguel Nóbrega is a Brazilian artist and designer based in Los Angeles. His work focuses on media arts and creative coding, and he believes that complex processes with simple solutions can create elaborate results. He explores randomness by programming systems that can make decisions on their own and bring unexpected elements into the design process.

ISSN:  1972-2842 #39

Edited by:  Pietro Corraini

Binding:  staples

Pages:  16

Width:  17.0

Height:  24.0

Edition:  2016