Bureau Borsche
Un Sedicesimo 47
X 10 6km away
For this Un Sedicesimo 47, the Bureau Borsche took its inspiration from the illustrative and tongue-in-cheek take on online dating profiles. The aim was to break a little with the past issues, more conceptual and typographic, and to make the magazine feel light and humorous, but still very aesthetic. The choice of paper went for a very glossy feel – like photobooks – to fit the cheesiness of the illustrations.
Bureau Borsche is a graphic design studio founded in 2007 by Mirko Borsche. Renowned for its versatility, the studio’s design ideas are content-driven and based on the experience of design as a source of learning, understanding, and joy.
The Bureau’s creative output runs the gamut. It offers design and communication consultancy for clients from all fields of interest and love to delve deep into their own minds to create original works within the scope of art, subculture, and design.
For its achievements, Bureau Borsche has won numerous national and international awards and its work has held critical acclaim in both the business and advertising sector, as well as participating in single and group exhibitions worldwide.
ISSN: 1972-2842 #47
Edited by: Pietro Corraini
Binding: staples
Pages: 16
Width: 17.0
Height: 24.0
Edition: 2017