Joanna Neborsky
Un Sedicesimo 46
So many conditions conspire to make life intolerable.
Collage tells what words hint. Joanna Neborsky made this Sedicesimo 46 after reading Mark Greif's book Against Everything. The words quoted here come from his essay The concept of Experience, and made a point that appeared to her simple and true: that we are trapped inside our experience, and have trouble apprehending the better parts of our lives until they're over. Typography is by Joe Potts.
Joanna Neborsky is a maker of jittery ink drawings, crude cutout animations and 1960s-stung collage.
Someone who wasn’t, remarkably, Joanna Neborsky, said her work suggests a blend of Shel Silverstein, Yellow Submarine, and Cy Twombly (she would gently add Monty Python).
Her first book, Illustrated Three-Line Novels by Félix Fénéon, featured darkly humorous news clips from turn-of-the-century France.
Her loose, collage-filled work regularly appears in the New York Times, the New York Book Review, and Vanity Fair Italia. She lives in Los Angeles, on a hill.
ISSN: 1972-2842 #46
Edited by: Pietro Corraini
Binding: staples
Pages: 16
Width: 17.0
Height: 24.0
Edition: 2017